Jan 14, 2009

Website 15: http://www.idontgoto.com/

I Don't Go To, that's the name of website being recommended in this post. I'm sure you'd wonder why would a website with such an unusual name be so special. Well it's actually the reason why this website was made which makes it so special. Keep reading to know more.

So the original creator of this website Andrew Wadsworth came up with an idea during the 1970's which is now being carried forward by his kin. The idea was to enable people to wear a university style T-Shirts, Hoodies & Jumpers. The idea was to create a cult community of people who couldn't go to college for whatever reason, but would still be geared in authentic university like clothing. Hence a  IDONTGOTO UNIVERSITY design was created which not only looks and feels absolutely authentic and extremely stylish, but also speaks the truth.

I'd recommend all readers to visit the website and check the designs to understand how unique the concept actually is. I personally think the products featured on the website could also make great gift.

Click Here to visit I Don't Go To

Manish :)
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  1. It's a great idea. Unfortunately I DO go to college. Damn :)

  2. I love the idea!! Too bad they are in the UK or I would get one for someone I know.
